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Monday, 30 December 2024

30th December boat visit another storm brewing

 new years day another storm is predicted so a visit to the boat was needed to put some straps tp stop the boat drifting forward by the wind. everything was checked and all ok, the 4g cam battery was changed as maybe not so much solar to keep the backup charged , a charged battery was replaced being handy a size to swap out and bring home. no more water in the centre well in the cabin so thats good, checked the profile for the mast support project but thats another day to do properly 

rear cock pit seats brought back to sand and varnish 

Monday, 23 December 2024

Boat visit 23Rd Dec

 well after storm Darragh and a nother windy weekend we were in town for a xmas lunch 

found the boat halfway across the entrance the green chocks didnt stop it moving 

mast on the ground was ok , moved boat back into position, loaded up a few bits that were not needed at home and brought home the port window surround and framework. i think the trailer needs abit of a tie off to the railing , some water in the cabin but thats expected with the gap in the cockpit cover

webcam readjusted and looking ok 

Thursday, 19 December 2024

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Mooring fee winter

 just had the mooring fee invoice for Aberystwyth Harbour 

£285 for 6m from Nov1st to March 31st 

at least its accessable and nor far from home 

Thursday, 5 December 2024

web cam 3rd 5th Dec


Friday, 29 November 2024

Quick Check on boat 29th Nov

 after recent storm bert and heavy wind and rain finally got to the boat to check it, all was ok  infact cockpit seemed really clean 

replaced the new camera which is now the 4g version with the preloaded 120gb 12 month sim card 

been testing it at home and it does well on battery.

picked up a few things to bring home and  dropped of some to do the cabin roof template.

view from new cam to the gap 

Monday, 18 November 2024

New Toy nov 16th

with a few jobs needing to be done i purchased a hydraulic swagging tool 

hopefull will do the job  

Friday, 15 November 2024

New Camera


as security is a major thing and working out power is key i decided cut the mifi out and go with a 4g enabled cam 

the mifi drew a lot of power and killed the 7ah battery, the cam was fully charged.

this way the solar panel only has to charge the cam but will back it up with the 7ah as before 

more on this later 

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Camera off line

During the evening the webcam went offline, so a mad dash to the boatpark, it was still there but the mmpt controller and mifi was looking abit lacking of power.

 had taken a spare batt just incase , at first the batt seemed ok abut when connected was not, with no solar and mifi the controller was ok , so i removed everything to bring home, in the end i left the battery charging only. 

maybe a mifi and the camera is troo much drain but the battery on camera showed full 

i am going to resort to a bigger battery and maybe a better solar panel , at home it worked ok but no mifi added

task 2 , remove the centre column for the mast foot and plate upgrade , luckily all the screws came undone and post was removed along with the table , the wood block the tabenacle screw bolts went into wasnt glued in but enough for the bolts to recess into.

with everything removed a few measurements made of the footwell and keel housing to see how wide the oak support piece will be

6cms wide plu,s 50cms plus 6cms , so some more oak was ordered as the piece i had was only 20mm thick so laminate it to 60mm then shape to roof shape allowing for the tabernacle backing plate epoxy it all in bobs your aunt.

task 3 remove the stanchion on starbord side, no   why   its non removable from the safety wire due to the swagged fittings, oh well never mind

plan c epoxy it in place with jb weld , supposed to be goodand butyl tape to seal it,  also removed the gaffa tape and spent ages cleaning it off .

task 4 go home ive had enough , but remembered to measure the mast width for George doing my repairs 


before with the mast suport column and table 

wheres the column gone 

with centre column gone this is the block the bolts from tabernackle recess into

remove the old butyl tape  and clean 

not sure whats going on here 

swagged fittung stopping the stancion being removed 

Monday, 11 November 2024

11th Nov Aberystwyth

 had to go to boat to recover tools , while i was there i did check the boom connection and got measuremets  20mm thick with 9mm hole approx 

a few other litttle jobs done , replaced the target 2 covers 

changed connection on the 12v 7ah battery so its push fitting to quick disconnect

checked window sills and cover plate  , cover plate needs drilling some screw bolts spinning so needs sealing on outside as well. spray glued a few bitsof the covering that i could do without having to pull it back off to do a job 

all itty bitty jobs but gradually sort.

seller never supplied the boom bolt  ******

1.6m tide 10.49am 

Friday, 8 November 2024

08112024 Aber

 well another day at the boat, took all the stays off and spreaders with so they can be redone renewed

took the tabernackle off so that can be repaired renewed

strapped it all back up neat and tidy.

next jobs were inside, with more kit to store inside , first booboo was the cover for the panel behind the cockpit intrument panel. despite measuring it it was too small. nm

next job mount the cam on the sliding hatch , tested and in position the holes were drilled and cables run 

the mifi was temp fixed as was the mmpt controller and a 12v 7ah battery coneccted , it all worked 

i was worried drilling holes for the cam base as they then split the base , something always goes wrong ,

with some no nails to seal and also some butyl tape around the big cable hole 

cables tidied inside , not the final spot as the cabin shelf board didnt go to plan, boom removed and in the car , then set about connecting the 12v for the nasa target stuff, a few more bits needed so thats next time 

more update pics to follow as i didnt take many 


update  night capture 

tabernackle bent 

mast block split and broken 

view from cam to the gap 

Thursday, 7 November 2024

nasa target 2

 covers are grubby so

ordered 2 new ones

Aberystwyth 07th Nov

 after a qy=uick meal we called on the boat to do a few jobs

remove mast from top of boat , remove any kit inside boat take home, load stuff in boat thart will be used for refurb,  aided by Kathleen and Sophie we managed it well.the mast is on the ground with one spreader removed to keep it tucked in safe 

tomorrow will take boom home and remove the tabernackle and fit the webcam 

mast off finally and stored 

view from boat to the gap where Aguila will go

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Nasa target 2 instruments

 the boat has 3 nasa target 2 instruments none of which were wired up to show working 

after cutting away all the connectors and crimps and tieded to a suitable lenght i googled what the colours were to make sure 

Red - +12v
Black - 0v
Green - Alarm negative (alarm positive goes to Red on the terminal block, yes it's an external unit, any low current 12v buzzer should be fine)
Orange - Backlight power (optional)

so now i can wire them up safely 

Sunday, 3 November 2024

Bala to Aber


  left home 0700 

parked up in the gap with notice on windscreen 

arrived at Bala in a good time roads were quite 

loading was a bit of an art 

we had the jockey wheel too high so lowered it right down in the end 

we moved the ramp to centre to get the jockey wheel up on deck then moved it back to get the rear wheels up, it was touch and go width wise.


 all loaded after a few straps to whinch it up a bit more 
it didnt look right on the truck but wasnt overweight at all on the axle 

 max 100kg trailer and boat 
 pivot point was axle of boat trailer 


  mast hiegt was only 6ft above the deck so all ok 

 final picture at Bala , who knows when we will return 


  arrival picture at Aberystwyth the Gap   Harbour 

  nicely manouvered down the ramp reverse operation , went very well
 in its trailer spot very nicely 

in its spot now untill the projects are done re mast then it can be launched on at least a 4.5 m tide to G3 mooring 
more to follow 


Friday, 1 November 2024

Aguila boat move day

 well today the harbour mooring started 

transport was arranged back in july and was ok with guy to do

however in the last few days he never answered his phone to give me a meet time

i went up regardless as i have a nother plan, 

at the club for 9am and i made measurements of how the trailer was for lenght 

this was relayed back to Tudor and agreed it was ok to go on flatbed truck

i rerang the recovery truck still no reply

i set about finding the wiring and first off was the speed and trip log , this was easy and that led me to remove any other wiring, im not using a big 12v lead acid battery or all the connection and switches that were on the boat

most were removed wires cut back ready and anyother wiring removed

the Switch panel also removed and all nav instrument wiring tidied or removeed 

my system is to use small 12h 7ah batterys and remove them if they need full recharge 

i have a solar panel and controller that i will wire up to charge the banks 

then a few measurements of the area to be paneled for this to be all housed 

then the instruments in the cockpit all trial and error 

plenty to get on with , but better when back in aberystwyth 

hopefully sunday will be move day 

axle to stern measurement 

showing the boat on trailer

not to bad looking out the cockpit whilst removing wiring 

looking at where the panel will be 

drop keel arrangment showing the hole

as above 

towhook to axle measurement

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

23rd October 4m tide

well not ;ong now till boat move day at today it was 4m in the gap and an intruder on my g3 mooring 

hopefully be gone by the 1st Nov