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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Another sunny day 2nd March 2025

 well the weather was forecast good again and it was, off to the boat by 0845 to watch the highest tide so far  5.61m at 0915 

first job is always unload all the boxs from car, then make oxo drink

then wonder what thew hell im doing today.

plan was do the bilge pump, so it was tested and worked, then it was positioned and zipped tied in place and bigger duty cable run to cockpit , this was made off ready 

next was to further tidy the electrics , this will be an ongoing process to the point its installed withing the cabin unit and switch board.

then talking of switchboard i got the one i purchased a year ago and decided how to wire it up , yes more wiring alterations 

  1. the trip log and depth and new wind all on one switch
  2. so far the nav lights front and rear are on a switch together the mast will be added in latter,
  3. bilge pump on its own 
  4. vacant 
  5. vacant 
these were all tested and pleased its now easier to know whats what

next up was see how the shape of the cabinet might look so started to take angles 
time was getting on so called it a day at 2pm 

G3 at high tide 



new 5 swich panel trying to be installed 

Low tide 


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