almost 4 months in its new home Aguila has been like a secound home to go and relax and just bimble around
13 visits have been recorded on this blog for some reason how ever small or big work done or just a visit, that in itself is vastly different to going to Bala.
in the same time the year before Black magic was moved to the campsite next door and i wasn't allowed access until march 8th at earliest
, just the cost of those 13 visits would have added up in fuel and certainly time. 1664 miles £257 in fuel
prob wouldn't have gone up so often even if i had access but just shows small changes do make a difference , winter in Bala would have cost £60 and in Aberystwyth it was £288 however at anytime i could have launched and sailed or just been on the water. so now the boat is only waiting for the tabernackle to be finished and fitted and the rigging done to suit and we are good to go
other tidy jobs are on going but doesnt stop the boat being used, so overall i am very pleased with my decision