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Thursday 16 May 2024

Another project toy

well you might ask why this on Aquila 

i wanted a simple unit that gave a gps and navigation tool and also other usefull info as well.

so this gives 

gps cords create waypoints




water temperature 

sonar of whats underneath 

ie for fishing 

i have no desire to fish but i did see on a youtube channel that a fish finder was a very usefull adition to a boat for a fraction of the cost.

so when racing i will know my speed if the onboard target 2 isnt working.

know the depth if the target 2 depth unit isnt working

create waypoints to navigate the course, so headings and distance to wpts are given if prev plotted.

the units on the boat atm are not wired up or not known if they work.

all target 2 units  speed and log ; depth ; and wind speed and direction , head unit not fitted but a wireless unit has been purchased as a Nasa Clipper wireless unit .

an all in one unit will be goodand its portable. , the transducer can be located on the shaft of the electric motor or i will make up something myself 

showing data on navigation mode 

showing wpts


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