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Sunday 1 August 2010

Summer series 8

we made another really good start on the line like yesterday  but couldnt tack off because richard m was windward of us when we did we made good progress. we battled with nic and then greg when we made a tactical mistake going into the course. we later recaught greg  and overtook only to lose it again when guess what the mainsheet came out again, only this time we stopped back in front of the solent cruiser, we made the rope off as fasta s possible after drifted right across his bows. it was like we were playing chicken with the big boys and seeing if they knew the rights of the road at sea, we guestured to them thankyou for stopping and then made good speed back to the line we then reoover took greg and then he just piiped us to the line.
a good fun weekend sailing
and we had the regatta on the saturday night as well.

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