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Sunday 1 August 2010

knoll beach race

we made a good start to the race and had all the other cats beat on the upwind section. we had a penalty over mark g for crossing on port  nothing we could do really as the wind dropped, we did a 360 and then flew down the beat on port to overtake him and round the mark in 2nd place.
we then led for a while cross gybing with mark and mike, however an rs400 was well away as well.
the run turnedinto a beat after old harry and we had to tack inward for the bar bouy however the direction change wasnt so good and we got overhauled by all the 18's. we finnished last but one but it was a good sail and who cares where we finnish  we had fun.
on the way back it was very good with a few fluky patches under the cliffs at old harry. the beat into swanage was very fast.

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