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Monday 13 June 2022

NQYC Jubilee cup race

wind was 10- 15knots and high tide meant we had an early start off the mooring, so at 0800 we were on Cara of Menai.

Martin, Trystan and John Simpson. a cup of tea to start then we headed out to sea to find the start. after confusion we finally knew where to go 

waves were choppy and the boat was healing over nicely concern was the mast shrouds being loose. my job was mainly on the winches and help with spinaker control, between myself and Trystan we did some good tacks , im getting better but the whinch was best left to trystan as he had the power. lots of dolphins to be seen during the whole race, we missed rounding the leeward mark  not sure how but we soon sorted it .

Chris S was o a isis 21 and was way ahead but on handicapp we did well to get 2nd and not far behind beating Carl into 3rd

during the break we decided a teabreak was needed and amused Chris highly 

we managed it just with the help of a tunnocks wafer bar as well

Carl though a cornish pasty was a better option lol

start of r2 we had to give way to Carl and go round missing the pin of the start

we did well to beat him to mark 1 and the finally draw ahead nicely. this race we agreed no spinaker and see how we got on and carl did the same. at the mark we went out to sea and gained alot of time on carl who went inland, we had the stronger tide with us . 2 great races and 2 2nds overall with Chris and Martin W 1st overall.

after a cup of tea we packed up and headed back to shore, a nice shower and a cool drink after.

i did get some chips and a sausage , sat on the quay and the wind blew the box open, before i could close the lid a seagull swooped and stole it, not a happy bunny 

after a hard days sailing i slept very well that night.

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